Operation Encompass Information Sharing Agreement

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Operation Encompass Information Sharing Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Operation Encompass Information Sharing Agreement is a joint initiative between police and schools to provide support to children exposed to domestic abuse incidents. This agreement enables the police to share critical information with schools, allowing them to better support affected children.

In this article, we will explore what the Operation Encompass Information Sharing Agreement is, how it works, and why it is necessary.

What is the Operation Encompass Information Sharing Agreement?

The Operation Encompass Information Sharing Agreement was introduced by the charity Operation Encompass. This charity was created to support children who are affected by domestic abuse incidents. The agreement allows the police to share information with schools, providing them with details of incidents that may have affected a child overnight.

The agreement covers all incidents of domestic abuse, including those where a child is present or involved. The aim of the agreement is to ensure that schools are aware of any issues that may be affecting a child`s behaviour or wellbeing. This, in turn, enables schools to provide the necessary support to help the child.

How does the Agreement work?

When a domestic abuse incident occurs overnight, the police notify a designated safeguarding lead at the child`s school before the start of the next school day. This enables the school to provide support to the child immediately upon their arrival. The agreement also ensures that the school can take measures to ensure the child`s safety while they are in school.

The information shared by the police is kept confidential and is only shared with staff members who need to know. This ensures that the child`s privacy is respected while also enabling the school to provide support effectively.

Why is the Agreement necessary?

Domestic abuse affects many families and children in the UK. It can have a significant impact on a child`s mental health, behaviour, and learning. Children who witness or experience domestic abuse are more likely to struggle with their education. They may also be more likely to develop mental health problems or become involved in risky behaviour.

The Operation Encompass Information Sharing Agreement recognises the impact that domestic abuse can have on children and aims to provide them with the necessary support. By enabling schools to be informed of any incidents that may have affected a child, the agreement ensures that children receive the support they need to succeed in their education and overcome any issues caused by their exposure to domestic abuse.


The Operation Encompass Information Sharing Agreement is a crucial initiative that provides vital support to children affected by domestic abuse. By enabling the police to share information with schools, children can receive immediate support and the necessary measures can be taken to ensure their safety while they are in school. This agreement recognises the impact of domestic abuse on children and aims to provide them with the support they need to succeed in their education and overcome any issues caused by their exposure to this kind of violence.