Girton Grammar School Bendigo Enterprise Agreement

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Girton Grammar School Bendigo Enterprise Agreement: What You Need to Know

Girton Grammar School in Bendigo, Victoria, is a leading educational institution that provides high-quality education to its students. The school has a strong commitment to its teachers and staff, ensuring that they are well-compensated, supported, and provided with opportunities for growth and development. To achieve this, the school has established an enterprise agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for its employees.

What is an Enterprise Agreement?

An enterprise agreement is a legally binding agreement between an employer and its employees that sets out the terms and conditions of employment. It is created through a negotiation process between the employer and the employees or their representatives, and it must be approved by the Fair Work Commission before it can take effect.

The Girton Grammar School Bendigo Enterprise Agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for its employees, including their wages, working hours, leave entitlements, and other benefits. It ensures that the school provides fair and equitable conditions for its staff.

What are the Benefits of the Girton Grammar School Bendigo Enterprise Agreement?

The enterprise agreement offers several benefits to the employees of Girton Grammar School. These include:

1. Competitive Wages: The agreement establishes a competitive wage structure that ensures that employees are well-compensated for their work. This enables the school to attract and retain high-quality staff who are committed to the school`s values and mission.

2. Flexible Working Arrangements: The agreement provides for flexible working arrangements, including part-time, casual, and job-share arrangements. This enables staff to achieve a better work-life balance, providing them with more time to pursue their personal interests and responsibilities.

3. Leave Entitlements: The agreement provides for generous leave entitlements, including annual leave, personal leave, and parental leave. This ensures that staff can take time off when they need it, without fear of losing their jobs or income.

4. Professional Development: The agreement provides for opportunities for professional development, including training and development programs, conferences, and workshops. This enables staff to develop their skills and knowledge, enhancing their effectiveness as educators and support staff.


The Girton Grammar School Bendigo Enterprise Agreement is a testament to the school`s commitment to providing fair and equitable conditions for its staff. The agreement provides competitive wages, flexible working arrangements, generous leave entitlements, and opportunities for professional development. It ensures that the school attracts and retains high-quality staff who are committed to the school`s values and mission. In conclusion, the enterprise agreement is an essential tool in ensuring that Girton Grammar School continues to provide high-quality education to its students and remains a leading educational institution in Australia.